This class is an overview of topics in Computer Science. We design websites, develop 2D games, design an app for your phone, learn about cryptography, and make things using electronic devices. Take this class if you like being creative and you are interested in computers
This class focuses on the way technology impacts the world around us and how it can be used as a tool for creativity and problem solving. We learn how the internet works; we learn about data privacy & data security; we use spreadsheet programs to analyze large data; we learn to create digital designs and apps using Javascript; and we learn how computers use step-by-step procedures to solve problems. You can earn college credit for this class by taking the AP Exam. Take this class if if you want to learn how technology can help make an impact on our society and community and especially if you are interested in a STEM major in a college or university after high school.
This class focuses on programming skills and techniques for a career in programming & applied Computer Science. We create digital designs and develop games from the ground up using only code, then analyze these programs for efficiency and organization. This class is entirely programming and leads to an AP Exam where you can earn college credit for your efforts. Take this class if you are interested in being an Engineer or Computer Scientist after high school, or you really really like programming.